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What is RedisShake

RedisShake is a tool for processing and migrating Redis data, offering the following features:

  1. Redis Compatibility: RedisShake is compatible with Redis versions from 2.8 to 7.2 and supports various deployment methods, including standalone, master-slave, sentinel, and cluster.
  2. Cloud Service Compatibility: RedisShake seamlessly works with popular Redis-like databases provided by mainstream cloud service providers, including but not limited to:
  3. Module Compatibility: RedisShake is compatible with TairString, TairZSet, and TairHash modules.
  4. Various Export Modes: RedisShake supports PSync, RDB, and Scan export modes.
  5. Data Processing: RedisShake implements data filtering and transformation through custom scripts.


We welcome contributions from the community. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. We are particularly interested in:

  1. Adding support for more modules
  2. Enhancing the support for Readers and Writers
  3. Sharing your Lua scripts and best practices


RedisShake is a project actively maintained by the Alibaba Cloud Tair Team. Its evolution can be traced back to its initial version, which was branched out from redis-port.

Versions (configurations are not interchangeable between different versions):

  • The RedisShake 2.x version brought a series of improvements and updates, enhancing its overall stability and performance.
  • The RedisShake 3.x version was a significant milestone, with the entire codebase being completely rewritten and optimized for better efficiency and availability.
  • The RedisShake 4.x version further enhanced features related to the Reader, configuration, observability, and function.


RedisShake is open-source under the MIT License.

Released under the MIT License.