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What is function

RedisShake provides a function feature that implements the transform capability in ETL (Extract-Transform-Load). By utilizing functions, you can achieve similar functionalities:

  • Change the db to which data belongs, for example, writing data from source db 0 to destination db 1.
  • Filter data, for instance, only writing source data with keys starting with user: to the destination.
  • Modify key prefixes, such as writing a source key prefix_old_key to a destination key prefix_new_key.
  • ...

To use the function feature, you only need to write a Lua script. After RedisShake retrieves data from the source, it converts the data into Redis commands. Then, it processes these commands, parsing information such as KEYS, ARGV, SLOTS, GROUP, and passes this information to the Lua script. The Lua script processes this data and returns the processed commands. Finally, RedisShake writes the processed data to the destination.

Here's a specific example:

function = """
if DB == 0
end, ARGV)

address = ""

address = ""

DB is information provided by RedisShake, indicating the db to which the current data belongs. shake.log is used for logging, and is used to call Redis commands. The purpose of the above script is to discard data from source db 0 and write data from other dbs to the destination.

In addition to DB, there is other information such as KEYS, ARGV, SLOTS, GROUP, and available functions include shake.log and For details, please refer to function API.

function API


Because some commands contain multiple keys, such as the mset command, the variables KEYS, KEY_INDEXES, and SLOTS are all array types. If you are certain that a command has only one key, you can directly use KEYS[1], KEY_INDEXES[1], SLOTS[1].

DBnumber1The db to which the command belongs
GROUPstring"LIST"The group to which the command belongs, conforming to Command key specifications. You can check the group field for each command in commands
CMDstring"XGROUP-DELCONSUMER"The name of the command
KEYStableAll keys of the command
KEY_INDEXEStableThe indexes of all keys in ARGV
SLOTStableThe slots to which all keys of the current command belong
ARGVtableAll parameters of the command


  •, ARGV): Returns a Redis command that RedisShake will write to the destination.
  • shake.log(msg): Prints logs.

Best Practices

Filtering Keys

local prefix = "user:"
local prefix_len = #prefix

if string.sub(KEYS[1], 1, prefix_len) ~= prefix then
end, ARGV)

The effect is to only write source data with keys starting with user: to the destination. This doesn't consider cases of multi-key commands like mset.

Filtering DB

if DB == 0
end, ARGV)

The effect is to discard data from source db 0 and write data from other dbs to the destination.

Filtering Certain Data Structures

You can use the GROUP variable to determine the data structure type. Supported data structure types include: STRING, LIST, SET, ZSET, HASH, SCRIPTING, etc.

Filtering Hash Type Data

if GROUP == "HASH" then
end, ARGV)

The effect is to discard hash type data from the source and write other data to the destination.

Filtering LUA Scripts

if GROUP == "SCRIPTING" then
end, ARGV)

The effect is to discard lua scripts from the source and write other data to the destination. This is common when synchronizing from master-slave to cluster, where there are LUA scripts not supported by the cluster.

Modifying Key Prefixes

local prefix_old = "prefix_old_"
local prefix_new = "prefix_new_"

shake.log("old=" .. table.concat(ARGV, " "))

for i, index in ipairs(KEY_INDEXES) do
  local key = ARGV[index]
  if string.sub(key, 1, #prefix_old) == prefix_old then
    ARGV[index] = prefix_new .. string.sub(key, #prefix_old + 1)

shake.log("new=" .. table.concat(ARGV, " ")), ARGV)

The effect is to write the source key prefix_old_key to the destination key prefix_new_key.

Swapping DBs

local db1 = 1
local db2 = 2

if DB == db1 then
  DB = db2
elseif DB == db2 then
  DB = db1
end, ARGV)

The effect is to write source db 1 to destination db 2, write source db 2 to destination db 1, and leave other dbs unchanged.

Released under the MIT License.