test: del command passed
test: unlink command passed
test: rename command passed
test: rename command tags skipped
test: renamenx command passed
test: renamenx command tags skipped
test: randomkey command passed
test: exists command passed
test: ttl command passed
test: pttl command passed
test: expire command passed
test: expire with NX / XX passed
test: expire with GT / LT passed
test: expireat command passed
test: expireat with NX / XX passed
test: expireat with GT / LT passed
test: pexpire command passed
test: pexpire with NX / XX passed
test: pexpire with GT / LT passed
test: pexpireat command passed
test: pexpireat with NX / XX passed
test: pexpireat with GT / LT passed
test: expiretime command passed
test: pexpiretime command passed
test: persist command passed
test: dump command passed
test: touch command passed
test: restore command passed
test: restore with REPLACE passed
test: restore with ABSTTL passed
test: restore with IDLETIME passed
test: scan command passed
test: scan with TYPE passed
test: keys command passed
test: move command passed
test: copy command passed
test: copy command tags skipped
test: type command passed
test: sort command passed
test: sort_ro command skipped
test: set command passed
test: blmove command passed
test: blmove command tags skipped
test: blmpop command passed
test: blmpop with COUNT passed
test: blmpop with COUNT tags skipped
test: blpop command passed
test: blpop command tags skipped
test: blpop with double timeout passed
test: blpop with double timeout tags skipped
test: brpop command passed
test: brpop command tags skipped
test: brpop with double timeout passed
test: brpop with double timeout tags skipped
test: brpoplpush command passed
test: brpoplpush command tags skipped
test: brpoplpush with double timeout passed
test: brpoplpush with double timeout tags skipped
test: lindex command passed
test: linsert command passed
test: llen command passed
test: lmove command passed
test: lmove command tags skipped
test: lmpop command passed
test: lmpop with COUNT passed
test: lmpop with COUNT tags skipped
test: lpop command passed
test: lpop with COUNT passed
test: lpos command passed
test: lpos with RANK passed
test: lpos with COUNT passed
test: lpos with MAXLEN passed
test: lpos with RANK, COUNT and MAXLEN passed
test: lpush command passed
test: lpush with multiple element passed
test: lpushx command passed
test: lpushx with multiple element passed
test: lrange command passed
test: lrem command passed
test: lset command passed
test: ltrim command passed
test: rpop command passed
test: rpop with COUNT passed
test: rpoplpush command passed
test: rpoplpush command tags skipped
test: rpush command passed
test: rpush with multiple element passed
test: rpushx command passed
test: rpushx command tags skipped
test: rpushx with multiple element passed
test: rpushx with multiple element tags skipped
test: sadd command passed
test: sadd command passed
test: scard command passed
test: sdiff command passed
test: sdiff command tags skipped
test: sdiffstore command passed
test: sdiffstore command tags skipped
test: sinter command passed
test: sinter command tags skipped
test: sintercard command passed
test: sintercard command tags skipped
test: sintercard with LIMIT passed
test: sintercard with LIMIT tags skipped
test: sinterstore command passed
test: sinterstore command tags skipped
test: sismember command passed
test: smembers command passed
test: smismember command passed
test: smove command passed
test: smove command tags skipped
test: spop command passed
test: spop with COUNT passed
test: srandmember command passed
test: srandmember with COUNT passed
test: srem command passed
test: srem with multiple member passed
test: sscan command passed
test: sscan with MATCH and COUNT passed
test: sunion command passed
test: sunion command tags skipped
test: sunionstore command passed
test: sunionstore command tags skipped
test: bzmpop command passed
test: bzmpop command tags skipped
test: bzmpop with COUNT passed
test: bzmpop with COUNT passed
test: bzpopmax command passed
test: bzpopmax with double timeout passed
test: bzpopmin command passed
test: bzpopmin with double timeout passed
test: zadd command passed
test: zadd with multiple elements passed
test: zadd with XX / NX / CH / INCR passed
test: zadd with GT / LT passed
test: zcard command passed
test: zcount command passed
test: zdiff command passed
test: zdiff command tags skipped
test: zdiffstore command passed
test: zdiffstore command tags skipped
test: zincrby command passed
test: zinter command passed
test: zinter command tags skipped
test: zinter with WEIGHTS passed
test: zinter with WEIGHTS tags skipped
test: zinter with AGGREGATE passed
test: zinter with AGGREGATE tags skipped
test: zinter WITHSCORES passed
test: zinter WITHSCORES tags skipped
test: zintercard command passed
test: zintercard command tags skipped
test: zintercard with LIMIT passed
test: zintercard with LIMIT tags skipped
test: zinterstore command passed
test: zinterstore command tags skipped
test: zinterstore with WEIGHTS passed
test: zinterstore with WEIGHTS tags skipped
test: zinterstore with AGGREGATE passed
test: zinterstore with AGGREGATE tags skipped
test: zlexcount command passed
test: zmpop command passed
test: zmpop with COUNT passed
test: zmscore command passed
test: zpopmax command passed
test: zpopmax with COUNT passed
test: zpopmin command passed
test: zpopmin command passed
test: zrandmember command passed
test: zrandmember with COUNT passed
test: zrandmember with WITHSCORES passed
test: zrange command passed
test: zrange with WITHSCORES passed
test: zrange with BYSCORE / BYLEX passed
test: zrange with REV passed
test: zrange with LIMIT passed
test: zrangebylex command passed
test: zrangebylex with LIMIT passed
test: zrangebyscore command passed
test: zrangebyscore with LIMIT passed
test: zrangebyscore with WITHSCORES passed
test: zrangestore command passed
test: zrangestore command tags skipped
test: zrangestore with BYSCORE / BYLEX passed
test: zrangestore with BYSCORE / BYLEX tags skipped
test: zrangestore with REV passed
test: zrangestore with REV tags skipped
test: zrangestore with LIMIT passed
test: zrangestore with LIMIT tags skipped
test: zrank command passed
test: zrank with WITHSCORE version skipped
test: zrem command passed
test: zrem with multiple elements passed
test: zremrangebylex command passed
test: zremrangebyrank command passed
test: zremrangebyscore command passed
test: zrevrange command passed
test: zrevrange with WITHSCORES passed
test: zrevrangebylex command passed
test: zrevrangebylex with LIMIT passed
test: zrevrangebyscore command passed
test: zrevrangebyscore with WITHSCORES passed
test: zrevrangebyscore with LIMIT passed
test: zrevrangebyscore command passed
test: zrevrank command passed
test: zrevrank with WITHSCORE version skipped
test: zscan command passed
test: zscan with MATCH and COUNT passed
test: zscore command passed
test: zunion command passed
test: zunion command tags skipped
test: zunion with WEIGHTS and AGGREGATE passed
test: zunion with WEIGHTS and AGGREGATE tags skipped
test: zunion with WITHSCORES passed
test: zunion with WITHSCORES tags skipped
test: zunionstore command passed
test: zunionstore command tags skipped
test: zunionstore with WEIGHTS and AGGREGATE passed
test: zunionstore with WEIGHTS and AGGREGATE tags skipped
test: append command passed
test: decr command passed
test: decrby command passed
test: get command passed
test: getdel command passed
test: getex command passed
test: getex with EX passed
test: getex with PX passed
test: getex with EXAT passed
test: getex with PXAT passed
test: getex with PERSIST passed
test: getrange command passed
test: getset command passed
test: incr command passed
test: incrby command passed
test: incrbyfloat command passed
test: lcs command passed
test: lcs command tags skipped
test: lcs with LEN passed
test: lcs with LEN tags skipped
test: lcs with IDX passed
test: lcs with IDX tags skipped
test: lcs with MINMATCHLEN passed
test: lcs with MINMATCHLEN tags skipped
test: lcs with WITHMATCHLEN passed
test: lcs with WITHMATCHLEN tags skipped
test: mget command passed
test: mget command tags skipped
test: mset command passed
test: mset command tags skipped
test: msetnx command passed
test: msetnx command tags skipped
test: psetex command passed
test: set command passed
test: set with EX / PX passed
test: set with NX / XX passed
test: set with KEEPTTL passed
test: set with GET passed
test: set with EXAT / PXAT passed
test: set with NX and GET passed
test: setex command passed
test: setnx command passed
test: setrange command passed
test: strlen command passed
test: substr command passed
test: hdel command passed
test: hdel with multiple field passed
test: hexists command passed
test: hget command passed
test: hgetall command passed
test: hincrby command passed
test: hincrbyfloat command passed
test: hkeys command passed
test: hlen command passed
test: hmget command passed
test: hmset command passed
test: hrandfield command passed
test: hrandfield with COUNT passed
test: hrandfield with WITHVALUES passed
test: hscan command passed
test: hscan with MATCH and COUNT passed
test: hset command passed
test: hset command with multiple field and value passed
test: hsetnx command passed
test: hstrlen command passed
test: hvals command passed
test: bitcount command passed
test: bitcount with BYTE / BIT passed
test: bitfield command passed
test: bitfield_ro command passed
test: bitop command passed
test: bitop command tags skipped
test: bitpos command passed
test: bitpos with BYTE / BIT passed
test: getbit command passed
test: setbit command passed
test: pfadd command passed
test: pfcount command passed
test: pfmerge command passed
test: pfmerge command tags skipped
test: geoadd command passed
test: geoadd with CH / NX / XX passed
test: geodist command passed
test: geodist with M / KM / FT / MI passed
test: geohash command passed
test: geopos command passed
test: georadius command passed
test: georadius with WITHCOORD / WITHDIST / WITHHASH passed
test: georadius with COUNT passed
test: georadius with ASC / DESC passed
test: georadius with STORE / STOREDIST passed
test: georadius with STORE / STOREDIST tags skipped
test: georadius with ANY option for COUNT passed
test: georadius with support for uppercase unit names passed
test: georadius_ro command passed
test: georadius_ro with WITHCOORD / WITHDIST / WITHHASH passed
test: georadius_ro with COUNT passed
test: georadius_ro with ASC / DESC passed
test: georadius_ro with ANY option for COUNT passed
test: georadiusbymember command passed
test: georadiusbymember with WITHCOORD / WITHDIST / WITHHASH passed
test: georadiusbymember with COUNT passed
test: georadiusbymember with ASC / DESC passed
test: georadiusbymember with STORE / STOREDIST passed
test: georadiusbymember with STORE / STOREDIST tags skipped
test: georadiusbymember with ANY option for COUNT passed
test: georadiusbymember with support for uppercase unit names passed
test: georadiusbymember_ro command passed
test: georadiusbymember_ro with WITHCOORD / WITHDIST / WITHHASH passed
test: georadiusbymember_ro with COUNT passed
test: georadiusbymember_ro with ASC / DESC passed
test: georadiusbymember_ro with ANY option for COUNT passed
test: geosearch command passed
test: geosearch with ASC / DESC passed
test: geosearch with COUNT passed
test: geosearch with WITHCOORD / WITHDIST / WITHHASH passed
test: geosearch with support for uppercase unit names passed
test: geosearchstore command passed
test: geosearchstore command tags skipped
test: geosearchstore with ASC / DESC passed
test: geosearchstore with ASC / DESC tags skipped
test: geosearchstore with COUNT passed
test: geosearchstore with COUNT tags skipped
test: geosearchstore with STOREDIST passed
test: geosearchstore with STOREDIST tags skipped
test: geosearchstore with support for uppercase unit names passed
test: geosearchstore with support for uppercase unit names tags skipped
test: dbsize command passed
test: flushall command passed
test: flushall with async passed
test: flushall with sync passed
test: flushdb command passed
test: flushdb with async passed
test: flushdb with sync passed
test: swapdb command passed
test: discard command passed
test: exec command passed
test: multi command passed
test: unwatch command passed
test: watch command passed
test: eval command passed
test: eval_ro command passed
test: evalsha command passed
test: evalsha_ro command passed
test: fcall command passed
test: fcall_ro command passed
test: function delete command passed
test: function flush command passed
test: function flush with SYNC passed
test: function flush with ASYNC passed
test: function list command passed
test: function load command passed
test: function restore command passed
test: function stats command passed
test: script exists command passed
test: script flush command passed
test: script flush with SYNC passed
test: script flush with ASYNC passed
test: script load command passed
test: xack command passed
test: xadd command passed
test: xadd with NOMKSTREAM/MINID/LIMIT passed
test: xadd with EXPLICIT ID passed
test: xclaim command passed
test: xdel command passed
test: xgroup create command passed
test: xgroup create with MKSTREAM passed
test: xgroup create with ENTRIESREAD passed
test: xgroup createconsumer command passed
test: xgroup delconsumer command passed
test: xgroup destroy command passed
test: xgroup setid command passed
test: xgroup setid with ENTRIESREAD passed
test: xlen command passed
test: xpending command passed
test: xrange command passed
test: xread command passed
test: xreadgroup command passed
test: xrevrange command passed
test: xrevrange command with EXCLUSIVE RANGES passed
test: xtrim command passed
test: xtrim command with MINID/LIMIT passed
test: psubscribe command passed
test: psubscribe with RESET passed
test: publish command passed
test: pubsub channels command passed
test: pubsub numpat command passed
test: pubsub numsub command passed
test: pubsub shardchannels command passed
test: pubsub shardnumsub command passed
test: punsubscribe command passed
test: spublish command passed
test: ssubscribe command passed
test: subscribe command passed
test: subscribe with RESET run test error Connection closed by server.
test: sunsubscribe command passed
test: unsubscribe command passed
-------- The result of tests --------
Summary: version: 7.0.0, total tests: 349, passed: 349, rate: 100.00%